Resonant revibrations: 
Embracing the Ephemeral Symphony
June 17/24

sound box, speakers, contact micsResonant Reverberations: Embracing the Ephemeral Symphony, is a sound work (Instrument). 

The work takes my view of our society, interested in what it means to be wrong, to fail or to not follow. Following our systematic guidelines that we have put out for this world. We go on and on following these everyday occurring structures. By Taking the “wrong” the way it shouldn’t be or be used. Guide it and let it speak for itself. Finding new ways to keep going, by touching on to the unpleasant. 

The work exist out of individual sound chambers. In those chambers there is a source of input and a source of output, a way in and a way out. The chambers are closed off and the sound is trapped. All those individuals are connected linearly but will circle back to its beginning, hereby it also questions time. The performer (me) has control over the action of letting sound be passed on from one chamber to the next one, or letting this sound out of its current chain. The performer has, however, no real control over its outcome only on her/their actions. A set of rules that “can” be followed. Every outside factor will have an influence on the outcome, think of the space it is put in (resonance), the number of people that will be present in the space, the temperature. 

She persists, she speaks, she screams she mimics.The work will be performed on 15th of June in the Kunsthall Gent.

Arranged in or extending along a straight or nearly straight line. 
A shape produced by a curve that bends round and crosses itself

Arnhem, 2002